Remember the times
Ooh, in the park
Remember the times
After dark
Do you, do you, do you
Remember the times
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Remember the times
Yeah yeah
I totally googled that and got it right. Thanks MJ.
Remember when I got drunk that one time and wrote a post about it. This is the continuation of that post.
Remember when I got drunk that one time and wrote a post about it. This is the continuation of that post.
So I've been thinking about past flames lately. And I kind of left it up in the air as to what happened here after drunk texting a former interest. Vodka is my weakness. We'll put it that way.
After apologizing profusely and making it known that I was not usually so inappropriate when drunk, things were fine. We carried on talking often enough and slowly I felt comfortable enough to ask him out my matric dance. He was so lovely to me. BUT. Then I started to realize that he wasn't all I had thought he was. After being adamant almost every single weekend that he was SO BUSY, seldom answering my texts and not having a suit ready three weeks before the big "event". I was starting to think that he wasn't so interested. And just as I had begun to wonder I got the strangest and most HORRIFYING text. His exact words went something like this, "Sorry, my girlfriend isn't okay with it now. I don't think I can go with you anymore." Keep in mind that he had just spoken to me for the first time in about three weeks after numerous WhatsApps. All the pieces came together and I found myself in a minor rage. HE HAD LED ME ON. So instead of sending a strongly worded message back to him? I kept quiet for a few days and when he checked in to see if I was "taking it okay" what do you think I did? I replied with this burn:
"Didn't you see my message? I sent it like two weeks ago. Anyways, seeing as you NEVER see my messages I'll tell you now. *Past flames ex-best friend* and I found refuge in a hopeless place. Looks like I'm the third girl you've lost to him".
This was of course an organised lie as I got his friend to play along. It felt so good to get back at him and now I'm living my best life. Sometimes we do win when we think we're losing, eh?
Sam xx
"Didn't you see my message? I sent it like two weeks ago. Anyways, seeing as you NEVER see my messages I'll tell you now. *Past flames ex-best friend* and I found refuge in a hopeless place. Looks like I'm the third girl you've lost to him".
This was of course an organised lie as I got his friend to play along. It felt so good to get back at him and now I'm living my best life. Sometimes we do win when we think we're losing, eh?
Sam xx
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