Hello you!

I'm a singleton, a happy singleton. There are many things that make me  a happy singleton. Most of them have something to do with being able to eat as much chocolate as I want. 

Seriously though, one of my very best friends recently broke up with her long time bae and is very down. I've decided to dedicate this post to her, maybe she'll actually read it! 

Top 8 Best Reasons to Stay Single
1. NEVER SHARING YOUR FOOD. That deserves capitals in my opinion.

2. FREEDOM is valuable to me. I like to do whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want. 

3. Not having to share a bed. 

4. Being able to focus on ME. Getting my shit done and having time for what is important to me has been veryy nice.

5. NEVER shaving your legs in Winter.

6. Cosy weekends with no interruptions. 

7. Not having to fight over the remote. I am all for a weekend of following the Grand Prix or Moto 2 with Brad Binder but I am not into watching Supersport ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.
8. Wearing what I want. I am told that many a boyfriend makes sure that no boobies are on display,but I do love to show off what I have.

And that is it! Have a good week everybody!

Sam xx 


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