Oh, hello there. Is it a theater review I can see? Shit me, it seems to be( wow I didn't plan for that to rhyme). So, yes, I did in fact go to see Mamba Republic and it was fantastic! It is written and performed by John van de Ruit(the best comedic writer South Africa has ever seen. AKA author of Spud) and Ben Voss. There was only ever hysterical laughter from me and my dad said "It was so good Sam, why do you think I stood up at the end?"
Before we talk about this whole sketch comedy dealio let's talk about me. The 18th of May happened to be a momentous occasion, my 17th birthday. Maybe not that momentous, I'm just a dancing queen for the year.. Anyways, so visualize all the balloons at school with a few selfies here and there and one or two phone calls from a family member. I can tell you about one low light from my day, I had a friggen math test, how wonderful. Now fast forward a few hours and me actually making my way with my dad to the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. I was supposed to go with a friend of mine, but you know those top academics, constantly studying like the exam is tomorrow and they haven't learnt a single word from their thick geography textbook.
So I got to the theater and might I add, there was a fair amount of white monopoly capital there. They looked like the type that came from Umhlanga Rocks not weird old Pinetown. So, you walk in and people be offering you shots. Now I told my dad not to do it, but he had three of those things and I will not lie, he wasn't walking straight after the second one. So then we walk outside onto the decking because apparently fresh air combats drunkness and see some people my dad knows. I walk up to somewhat friends and ask how some what friend's wife is doing.
Reply: "Oh very well, this is my daughter, its our birthday today"
Me: "Whaaattttt, you're kidding its mine too!"
Somewhat friends wife: " Oh goodness, this is turning into an exciting night."
Shit, the excitement had only just begun.
For example - I even met Aaron Mcilroy
So enough about me, my goodness Mamba Republic was a heluva ride! I'm so sad I didn't ever get to see Green or Black Mamba, previous productions by John and Ben. It's a fast paced satirical comedy that I think everyone would enjoy. It starts off with them walking out in Bafana Bafana soccer shirts commentating on a match between the ANC and the DA, my goodness I laugh just thinking about it. There was also the car guard as a co-pilot, well that was really seriously good, and remember, keep your R5 ready at all times.
And then there was the Bowling Greens Gogo, well lets just say that it its quite something for a 90 something year old to momentarily recover from a lightening shock!

Then there was the brilliant impersonation of Pieter de Villiers, the rooster of all chickens.
I find that Ben is so good at getting into character and truly bring the character to life!
Oh me oh my! Dating 101, well that was something else! John gives the very best advice on the does and don'ts of a blind date. Ben, you have the moves like Jagger and thank you for pointing at me for what I cannot remember. It was something about beautiful women and I lurved that!
I have so much respect for you John and Ben. A literature great(can you tell that I enjoyed the Spud books) and comedic hero have crafted something so sneakily beautiful. I enjoyed it so much and can't wait to see this show take the whole of SA by storm. What a treat to have such a great time on my birthday!
Sam xx
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