Howzittt? Today was a good one, I went out with a friend and we bought a few bits and bobs and chatted away, we even watched a movie(the Smurfs, which as I type this at 21:05 cannot remember half of). I haven't really known what to write about over the past few weeks and so I decided that today would be the day that I wrote a post about current events and my personal opinion on them. We won't talk about Trump or mass shootings and violence around the world. The media covers enough of that, but I would like to speak about the mass protest action that has been happening in S.A and explain to those of you that have no clue about it. We'll talk about music and one direction and all the cool kids of Hollywood. I just want to blabber on about all the interesting teen stuff.
Sign of the times! Holy cow, that's some good shit. Not often do I download music as soon as it comes out, I generally wait for the hype to subside and then spend the next three days pressing repeat. I'm sure many can relate. So many great artists have released music such as Ed Sheeran with Shape of You and the of course Closer by The Chainsmokers. I can see a lot of great music is still to come and I hear many a rumor of another album from T. Swift. I don't know what will top 1989 but I suppose we will have to see. Can I also just mention that I am absolutely in love with Shawn Mendes, that boy is bae and recently I was listening to his song "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and lost my mind. Its so wonderful how much meaning and aggression is put into that song. Shawn must have been going through a terrible break up when he recorded that song!

For the first time in an extremely long time I watched a movie at the cinema. I watched the Smurfs in fact and I have to say, I really do prefer to stay at home and watch something on my computer. Going out to watch something is completely over-rated and I am not down for sitting in a cold room with popcorn that hurts my throat and paying and exorbitant amount for some coke.
Besides the movie experience I want to talk about recent movies that I have seen. I have to say, I am an absolute sucker for the old fashioned boy meets girl. Perhaps that's why I enjoyed Lala Land. What a wonderful combination Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone make. I seriously love to sing along to City of Stars but members of my family do not particularly love it. Right now we have the likes of Beauty and the Beast(who doesn't love Emma Watson),The Guardians of the Galaxy(Chris Pratt GAH), Dunkirk(Harry Styles GAH), Bay Watch and my all time favorite animation, Cars 3. I think we are so blessed to have great movies and most of all Matt Damon. Matt Damon is gorgeous. And the same age as my mom. Did I just make that weird. I think I did. Moving on.
I love to read but am very selective about genre. I do enjoy science fiction such as The Martian and can't wait for Andy Weir's next book although from what I know it is going to be filled with good ol' aliens and time travel. I am the type of girl that enjoys realism and I don't do well with far fetched ideas. I went 10 pages into a book called Skylark(maybe it was Shadowlark, I can never differentiate) and decided that it was utter crap with all my friends begging me to take those nasty words back. "Please Sam, I love those books and it's like being stabbed when you say stuff like that," said one friend. Another told me to go fuck myself as I bit into my sandwich and decided that I would have to take those nasty words back. "Okay, I take that back. They are simply not for me and I did not mean to mentally harm anyone," I quickly replied. This was when I decided not to voice my humble opinion with such honesty. I suppose my kind of read is realistic, a bit of romance but it can't be a tenth of what 50 Shades is, I also want the author to have a great style and not be like some of the terrible YAs I have read in the past. If you want an example of what I mean you should read an extract from Twilight. Just gross.
I also have a question. Have you ever read a book, loved it with all your heart and had a character become a idol and then, when reading it for the second time, see it as completely flawed and having a terrible message. A while ago I reread the book Fangirl which I previously thought was wonderful and wanted to be just like the main character Cath. Now after reading it for the second time I have realized that I want to be nothing like Cath and she in fact is not the greatest. I don't think she deserves anyone like the dreamy Levi and certainly doesn't deserve the ending that she got. I can't stand it when I read about a book character that has not fought for what they have. It's an insult to reality. Although it does teach you about opening you heart to others I do not like some of the messages that it conveys.
When I first came up with the idea for this blog post I didn't want to go into politics and I also didn't think it was my place to say anything. Now that I've thought about it I've decided that it is in fact my place to talk about it. I am a citizen of South Africa and I do have an opinion. An opinion that I want people to value and accept. The whole deolio with all these protests is that most want Zuma, the president of SA, to resign/call it a day. I agree with this. He has done no good for SA, not to mention the large house he built and upgraded with TAX payers money. I cannot imagine the amount that he has stolen from the country and quite frankly cannot wait to see him go. It's not really a democracy when you think of the current state that this country is in. I wanted to keep it straight and to the point because I could most likely write a thousand word essay on all the bad stuff that's going on here.
Wow, that was a helluva lot to write. It took me 3 hours and now I think I need a cup of tea and some Harry Potter. If you made it to the end, well done! You should be rewarded with the same.
Sam xx

For the first time in an extremely long time I watched a movie at the cinema. I watched the Smurfs in fact and I have to say, I really do prefer to stay at home and watch something on my computer. Going out to watch something is completely over-rated and I am not down for sitting in a cold room with popcorn that hurts my throat and paying and exorbitant amount for some coke.
Besides the movie experience I want to talk about recent movies that I have seen. I have to say, I am an absolute sucker for the old fashioned boy meets girl. Perhaps that's why I enjoyed Lala Land. What a wonderful combination Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone make. I seriously love to sing along to City of Stars but members of my family do not particularly love it. Right now we have the likes of Beauty and the Beast(who doesn't love Emma Watson),The Guardians of the Galaxy(Chris Pratt GAH), Dunkirk(Harry Styles GAH), Bay Watch and my all time favorite animation, Cars 3. I think we are so blessed to have great movies and most of all Matt Damon. Matt Damon is gorgeous. And the same age as my mom. Did I just make that weird. I think I did. Moving on.
I love to read but am very selective about genre. I do enjoy science fiction such as The Martian and can't wait for Andy Weir's next book although from what I know it is going to be filled with good ol' aliens and time travel. I am the type of girl that enjoys realism and I don't do well with far fetched ideas. I went 10 pages into a book called Skylark(maybe it was Shadowlark, I can never differentiate) and decided that it was utter crap with all my friends begging me to take those nasty words back. "Please Sam, I love those books and it's like being stabbed when you say stuff like that," said one friend. Another told me to go fuck myself as I bit into my sandwich and decided that I would have to take those nasty words back. "Okay, I take that back. They are simply not for me and I did not mean to mentally harm anyone," I quickly replied. This was when I decided not to voice my humble opinion with such honesty. I suppose my kind of read is realistic, a bit of romance but it can't be a tenth of what 50 Shades is, I also want the author to have a great style and not be like some of the terrible YAs I have read in the past. If you want an example of what I mean you should read an extract from Twilight. Just gross.
I also have a question. Have you ever read a book, loved it with all your heart and had a character become a idol and then, when reading it for the second time, see it as completely flawed and having a terrible message. A while ago I reread the book Fangirl which I previously thought was wonderful and wanted to be just like the main character Cath. Now after reading it for the second time I have realized that I want to be nothing like Cath and she in fact is not the greatest. I don't think she deserves anyone like the dreamy Levi and certainly doesn't deserve the ending that she got. I can't stand it when I read about a book character that has not fought for what they have. It's an insult to reality. Although it does teach you about opening you heart to others I do not like some of the messages that it conveys.
When I first came up with the idea for this blog post I didn't want to go into politics and I also didn't think it was my place to say anything. Now that I've thought about it I've decided that it is in fact my place to talk about it. I am a citizen of South Africa and I do have an opinion. An opinion that I want people to value and accept. The whole deolio with all these protests is that most want Zuma, the president of SA, to resign/call it a day. I agree with this. He has done no good for SA, not to mention the large house he built and upgraded with TAX payers money. I cannot imagine the amount that he has stolen from the country and quite frankly cannot wait to see him go. It's not really a democracy when you think of the current state that this country is in. I wanted to keep it straight and to the point because I could most likely write a thousand word essay on all the bad stuff that's going on here.
Wow, that was a helluva lot to write. It took me 3 hours and now I think I need a cup of tea and some Harry Potter. If you made it to the end, well done! You should be rewarded with the same.
Sam xx
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