Quality over Quantity
Hello my dearest readers! Short time no type! I am happy to report that Midmar went rather well and I came in at 54 minutes something seconds, a personal best. It was one of my most memorable swims as a v. good friend of mine swam it with me. A good amount ahead of me but he still waited at the half way mark! How nice I thought to myself as he called me a loser and I flashed him a quick sign. It was also wonderful when we spent some time having a chill session before the race. That's what I love about friends, being able to do some proper banter without really hurting their feelings.
So, this got me thinking. Do you have all the right people in your life? Is your life filled with people that give you warmth and love and all that gooey stuff? I don't have lots of those people but I do have a few. I have a few people who deeply care about me and want to give me their love. I might have 146 friends on Facebook but at most 20 of them mean something to me. So here goes the old saying, its not about quantity it's about quality. I would rather have 5 good friends than 50 crappy ones. You get my drift?
After reading this blog post I want you to think about the friends you have and the ones you want to treat better. Maybe the ones you want to cut ties with because they have been treating you badly. Just think about the friendships you have and appreciate them for what they are. Who cares if you have that one friend who always steals stationary from you. As long as they want to support you and are there for you when you need them. That's what has always mattered to me.
Sam xx
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