Swimming the Midmar Mile!

Aloha! It has taken me an age to finish writing this blog post and I am so glad that I can finally get it up! So on the 13th of February I swam a mile at the Midmar dam. I've really want the content over here to be diverse to who I am so it's really nice to do a post that focuses on my lifestyle, I want you guys to feel connected to me in a way sorda like you're chatting to a friend not a stranger...

I have been swimming The Midmar Mile since I was 12 years old, it was something that my school was offering and I really only took a letter on a whim as I did not think that my dad would ever say yes but here I am today 4 years later!! 

This photo was taken at last years swim. I had some from this year but might I tell you that they were rather unflattering around the stomach area..

Today would have been our teams braai but sadly I have a project due on Monday so I have been forced to miss out and again add a picture from last year.. I have right now realized that I am the oldest kid in my team, sigh

3 years worth of medals..

Thought I would add this rather random one to end off. You see the lady that is giving me that certificate, she is the best woman in the world. Melanie, you have helped me to cross that killer of a dam every single year and I know you will most likely never ever see this but I am so grateful that you have helped all us kids and believed in us from the beginning.

Think I will go before things get too mushy. Leave a comment about any sporting events that you do, I wold love to see a few active people.. 

Sam xx


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