Books I read in January!
Today I'm going to add a new section to my blog(still can't get used to that)! Every month I plan to give a review on all the books that I have read throughout the month whether they be completely dismal or absolutely glorious. This month was way busy. I started grade ten and the work load was hectic that I just couldn't read as much as I like therefore I've only read about four books throughout January which really does suck, it felt like a bit of my soul had been dragged out of me with this whole schooling dilemma but writing about school on the wekend just makes me sick so lets not So, here we go!
Trouble is a Friend of Mine
I had one look at the cover and thought it would be a great read, turns out I was right! There is so much adventure in this book, and I can relate to every scenario. The thing I love most is the humor, Stephanie creates funny and realistic characters in a way that I have not seen/read for a while. I give this book my seal of approval!
Oliver Twist
Never have I ever(you see what I did there?) read a Charles Dickens book because yanno no teenager has ever picked up one of his books just for the fun of it but I am no ordinary teen. Just about everyone has seen the film but let me tell you, the book is even more of a dream! The way Charles writes is astonishing, every sentence typed in his books are flawless and I truly aspire to be as great a writer as he is! I really recommend you read any one of his books if you ever saunter your way past one!
Finding Audrey

I really don't like to be negative about any one book as every single author out there really believes they have poured their hear and soul into but if I'm real about this every single author has their book that they just wish they had written with more description or given a more justified ending but at the end of the day nothing can be perfect, and that's absolutely fine..
Now onto the book, Sophie wrote about social anxiety which I identify with very closely as some of the scenarios that Audrey experiences are similar to stuff I experience. Again, one can relate well to the story. The thing about this book is that it takes you basically no where, monotonous really. Another thing that I liked about the book is the fact that there where family issues like a control freak mom and brother that's in essence a bit of a slacker. Not the best book but maybe give it a try if you are a sucker for YA novels.
One Direction:Dare to Dream
I have never read an autobiography until now, I always thought it would be weird to write your life when you most likely still had so much living to do but I decided to give it a go as I do quite like 1D's music and Niall a bit too, okay maybe a lot. I must admit I found it interesting to read about their childhoods and how they were just ordinary kids until they got onto X-factor(I didn't read about Zayn, I would have started crying instantly). Just to see how humble they still are is insane as I would think they would have gone a bit loopy by now due to fame and what not but they are totally average humans that try to lead average lives and I truly applaud them on their efforts(not you Zayn, I don't applaud you at all)!
So there they are, the 4 books that I read in January. Comment the books that you read in January or maybe the books that you think I should read. You might just see one of them in a blog post...
Sam xx
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