Books to Read in 2016
I love reading. Statement. I have read some pretty good books and I thought that it would be perfect to have my first ever blog post to be about books and the ones I have loved out of the many that I read in 2015. Something that has occurred to me is that lots of people barely read but I really think that reading improves your mind and makes you more imaginative. I hope that you guys enjoy this blog as much as I have loved writing it as it already makes me feel all warm and gooey inside!
Harry Potter
The Spud Series
Me and Earl and The Dying Girl
Forrest Gump
This book is way old. So many people have watched the movie but have had no idea that a book was ever created or that the book is so very different to the movie. As Forrest says so himself this book is about the life of an idiot. Forrest has a mild mental disorder but did so many great things for himself. He literally creates a business out of nothing! The ending made me cry a bit because it was a mixture of happiness and sadness but maybe a bit too much sadness. I really do recommend you read the book before the movie otherwise you will be way confused. His grammar and spelling is not up to scratch but I think that Winston Groom was rather amazing to have done that because it really tied the whole theme together of him being an "idiot".
Harry Potter
I have loved Harry Potter since I was about 10. I remember seeing the first film and wanting to watch all the movies it looked so amazing so that day I binge watched all the films up to Order of the Phoenix and that was when the bug bit me! At the age of 14 I started reading the books and by the middle of 2015 I had finished all of them and I have been a true fangirl ever since. They are so well written and planned out! I suggest you give them a try as I have never met someone that genuinely has a deep hatred for HP!
The Hunger Games Trilogy
The Hunger Games Trilogy
If I were to write an essay about what these books mean to me you would be sitting here for a good few hours. So I will put all my appreciation into a few words. Thank you Suzanne! I first read these books in grade eight as a part of the school syllabus and it was most likely the first YA novel I ever read. It follows the life of a teenage girl named Katniss who gets sent into the Hunger Games. It all leads to a rebellion where Katniss fights for a better and democratic Panem.
The Spud Series
Spud is written by a South African man and his experiences at boarding school (Michael House) I identify so well with Spud as I have grown up in the same area as him and know all the struggles that he does. The books are majorly funny throughout and reading it , I felt so happy and I seemed to forget about all the ugly things in life and focused on being a kid in the 90s.
Me and Earl and The Dying Girl
Goodness, this book was pretty for real for me. As you may be able to tell there is a dying girl in this. Her name is Rachel. Greg Gaines is a jewish guy who thinks he has it all sorted out in senior year when he is literally part of every friends group in school. Its a book about friendship and coping with the good and bad parts of life. Jesse Andrews wrote something with extreme humor and integrity. My goodness, you need to read it!
Forrest Gump
This book is way old. So many people have watched the movie but have had no idea that a book was ever created or that the book is so very different to the movie. As Forrest says so himself this book is about the life of an idiot. Forrest has a mild mental disorder but did so many great things for himself. He literally creates a business out of nothing! The ending made me cry a bit because it was a mixture of happiness and sadness but maybe a bit too much sadness. I really do recommend you read the book before the movie otherwise you will be way confused. His grammar and spelling is not up to scratch but I think that Winston Groom was rather amazing to have done that because it really tied the whole theme together of him being an "idiot".
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